As I have mentioned before the decade of the 1950’s is one of my favorites from the MCM period. The wonderful life that they lived amazes me every day I learn something new about it. After World War II there was a period of quite times which lead to tremendous growth and technological advances were happening more and more. People were enjoying of these advances and making their homes and lives more comfortable and better looking. I have found a series of inventions from the 50’s decade which you can read below but to start I would say that the 1950’s was the decade where more TV’s were purchased and more people had TV’s on their living rooms than in previous decades. Also an oral vaccine was invented to fight against polio and other crippling diseases. Rosalind Franklin used X-ray procedures to discover the structure of DNA.
Feel free to comment on this or to add what you think is important to mention about the 50’s.
• The first credit card (Diners) invented by Ralph Schneider.
• Super glue invented.
• Power steering invented by Francis W. Davis.
• Charles Ginsburg invented the first video tape recorder (VTR).
• Mr Potato Head patented.
• The first patent for bar code issued to inventors Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver.
• The first diet soft drink sold.
• Edward Teller and team build the hydrogen bomb.
• Radial tires invented.
• The first musical synthesizer invented by RCA.
• David Warren invented the black box – flight recorder.
• Transistor radio invented by Texas Instruments.
• Oral contraceptives invented – the pill.
• The first nonstick teflon pan produced.
• The solar cell invented by Chaplin, Fuller and Pearson.
• Ray Kroc started McDonalds.
• Tetracycline invented.
• Optic fiber invented.
• The first computer hard disk used.
• The hovercraft invented by Christopher Cockerell.
• Bette Nesmith Graham invented “Mistake Out,” later renamed Liquid Paper, to paint over mistakes made with a typewriter.
• Fortran (computer language) invented.
• The computer modem invented.
• Gordon Gould invents the laser.
• The Hula Hoop invented by Richard Knerr and Arthur “Spud” Melin.
• The integrated circuit invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce.
• The internal pacemaker invented by Wilson Greatbatch.
• Barbie Doll invented.
• Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce both invent the microchip.
Tiny Studio Apartment fix |
Hello and welcome back! Now to the topic of this blog. This is a studio apartment fix. Let’s start by telling you that I was contacted by a young man, who needed help with designing his tiny studio apartment to make it more functional so it could develop all its potential to also look better