It is no secret to everyone that I consider the 50’s and 60’s to be the best years to have lived in, thanks to all the inventions that made life easier without having to live in the hurried mad race that the world became after those decades. Well, the diaper service is one of those advantages of the modern life that made life easier for women back then. Even though this service started in the 30’s it was very well used by the 50’s women. I find it amazing that the diaper service still exists now days. Especially after all the technological advances for the home like the washer and dryer. Also you would think that after the invention of the disposable diaper this service would be extinct but it’s still standing. Here is a little bit of the history of this particular company that has been victorious in the diaper service for over 70 years. Good for them! When a good idea is supported with hard work; surpasses all odds!

Tiny Studio Apartment fix |
Hello and welcome back! Now to the topic of this blog. This is a studio apartment fix. Let’s start by telling you that I was contacted by a young man, who needed help with designing his tiny studio apartment to make it more functional so it could develop all its potential to also look better