The other day I was sitting quietly in my warehouse surrounded by my mid century modern pieces. I know that they are all 50 plus year’s old but on that day the obvious info struck me on a deeper level. I realized that they are connected to each other, related to each other by way of a similar time and place but most of all they are related to each other by similar life experiences. On more than one occasion I have gone through desk drawers and found school assignments from children, letters from lovers in dressers and check stubs in a dad’s old bureau and sometimes from her; hosiery and hairpins in vanities. And on selected days, only known by the pieces in the room, the smell of furniture oil, talcum powder, Old Spice or pipe tobacco will linger in the air. I suppose over time these scents of life worked themselves into the pores and grain of the wood, metal and fabric much like into the flesh of our selves. Every day these pieces reveal to me who they are and where they came from. This is a living space.

Tiny Studio Apartment fix |
Hello and welcome back! Now to the topic of this blog. This is a studio apartment fix. Let’s start by telling you that I was contacted by a young man, who needed help with designing his tiny studio apartment to make it more functional so it could develop all its potential to also look better