I have a question floating inside my head since a few days ago. A lot of our customers ask us about the history of the pieces that we are offering, so I wonder do they really want something vintage with all its great history? And, mainly I ask myself this because some and I clarify and emphasize; some, only some of the people who buy vintage furniture just want the name “vintage” and the great stories that go with the items but none of the wear that goes as default with those pieces. Some collectors want the piece in mint condition, no squeaking, no little marks and tiny rips or anything. Most of us want the history, the looks, the scratches, discolorations and etc that a vintage piece involves.
Maybe it is just difficult for a consumer society to realize how great it is that those pieces are in front of them; and that they have survived a lifetime and I mean a lifetime (40-60years) of parties, daily use, raised a family and lots of cleaning, dusting, vacuuming etc.
It is understandable that you want pieces in good usable condition; pieces that can be part of your personal collection for a lot of years but to me personally it is definitely a must to have some wear, some patina that can tell me the story of that piece without having to ask for it. I love when a desk has that dark area where someone put their hands for years maybe writing checks to pay their bills or maybe lovely letters to family members and loved ones.
Maybe I am just a helpless romantic like my parents but I love the way a low dresser with the attached mirror tells me how that woman felt special putting make up on and taking care of herself in front of it and sometimes it had a little accident dropping the acetone or the cream and left that mark in the finish. But don’t worry, here at Gre-Stuff we try to offer great pieces in the best condition possible.
And while we are all just different, one thing is for sure; we are all happy to be vintage and Mid Century Modern collectors! Tell us about yourself…

Tiny Studio Apartment fix |
Hello and welcome back! Now to the topic of this blog. This is a studio apartment fix. Let’s start by telling you that I was contacted by a young man, who needed help with designing his tiny studio apartment to make it more functional so it could develop all its potential to also look better